Friday, May 29, 2009

Friends of Lents Park, second meeting scheduled

Want to save Lents Park?

Have more questions than answers about the plan to build a 9,000 seat Triple-A baseball stadium yards away from beautiful homes, on top of a community ballfield and at the expense of decades-old trees, not to mention 72 nights a year of peace and quiet?

Come to the next Friends of Lents Park meeting at 6 p.m. Wednesday, June 3 at the gazebo in Lents Park (bring a chair!). We'll discuss our mission and plans of action for preserving Lents' true community gem for future generations of Lents residents.

We oppose the use of $42 million in urban renewal money to tear up our park for a baseball stadium. That's not how you make a community a better, more enjoyable place to call home.

Questions? E-mail

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