The final Master Plan for Lents Park will not be going to City Council for approval on April 6, as previously announced. It has been postponed, and will be heard at 2:30 pm on Wednesday, April 13 at City Hall. Hopefully this afternoon time will make it possible for a few more people to attend.
Friends of Lents Park is meeting again at 6:00 PM, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, at Lents Commons, SE 92nd Ave and Foster to further discuss the Master Plan and how best to communicate our group's position.
We are almost at the end of a very important process that will affect the next 25 years of our park's life - a process in which Friends of Lents Park has played a very important role. Let's make sure EVERYBODY gets represented in our last round of comments as a group!
If you haven't done so yet, please read the Final Master Plan document. If you're having trouble viewing this online, we will have a paper copy to pass around at the April 6 meeting.
Do you worship wage slavery?
by Anonymous
Do you think it’s morally good to go to work, regardless of what it is? Do
you malign people who don’t, for any reason? Do you believe the ri...
19 hours ago
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